Thursday, October 6, 2011

2011 Artist Blog - Entry #8

Tribute to Marty Feldman, October 2007
Psycho Girl and the Mutant Kangaroo, March 2006

Krishnamurti Costa is a professional Digital Artist, an amateur Photographer, and an aspiring traditional sculptor (so he claims). I swear I had a really hard time picking which works of his to display on here - they are all that mind-blowing! So I decided to include quite a few - a real showcase, but I could've easily picked 10 more. Costa specializes in character creation and all of his characters are of an outstanding quality. The presentation, the mood, the colors - everything is of masterful level. The banner on his portfolio says "Characters with Soul" and I can't argue with that. That motto alone describes his work better than all of the rambling I'm putting on here! It looks like he's been doing art for almost 10 years now and that clearly shows in the masterpieces he produced and keeps on producing. Costa has an understanding of everything there is to understand in order to create such works. In order to critique the stuff he's made, one needs to have the same level of skill and knowledge that many aspiring artists (myself included) do not have. The diversity in the works I've posted on here is tremendous. Although it is mostly organic characters, the characters themselves range in style and presentation. He undoubtedly knows human and animal anatomy, body in motion, effects of aging, fur and hair, a sense of weight, expressions, silhouettes, composition, presentation skills (lighting, color theory), post-production, and the list goes on. Since most of his works are textured (painted on), knowledge of skin tones is required. Such level of mastery can only be achieved through perseverance, years of practice, and perfection - and that is why we admire outstanding artists such as Krishnamurti Costa. (word count - 289)

All work shown here belongs to its original owner and creator Krishnamurti Costa. No copyright infringement intended.

B-Movie challenge (detail), September 2010
Head Design #2, January 2010
Head Design #1, January 2010

Tribal Old Woman, October 2007
Stan Winston Tribute, December 2008

B-Movie Challenge (detail), September 2010
Frank from "Frank & Bride", October 2010

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